Auto Debug On Line Help
User Script: Auto Debug System


The getProcessMemory function to get debuggee process memory context..

Array getProcessMemory(
  LONG pAddress,       // The pointer to the base address in the debuggee process.
  int nSize,           // The number of bytes to be read from the debuggee process.
  ArrayDataType nType  // The array type.


A pointer to the base address in the debuggee process from which to read. Before any data transfer occurs, the system verifies that all data in the base address and memory of the specified size is accessible for read access, and if it is not accessible the function fails.
The number of bytes to be read from the debuggee process.
Which type will be return.
ArrayByteType=0 : return byte array data
ArrayShortType=1 : return short array data
ArrayIntType=2 : return int array data
ArrayLongLongType=3 : return LongLong array data
ArrayUnicodeType=4 : return unicode string data
ArrayAnsiType=5 : return ansi string data

Return Values

Return the array value which read from debuggee process. This function only can be call at OnBreakPointEntry or OnBreakPointReturn event.


VBscript Example:

sub main
  addMenuItem "Save Log", "SaveLogFile"
  addMenuItem "Kill Trace Process", "KillTraceProcess"
  startProcess "Notepad.exe", "c:\a.txt"
end sub

sub SaveLogFile
    MsgBox "Call Save Log File"
    saveLog "c:\aaa.dsf"
end sub

sub KillTraceProcess
    MsgBox "Call Kill Process"
    killProcess false
end sub

sub OnBreakPointEntry(pszDll, pszName, nParam, pParam, dwProcessId)
  rc = getParamAddress(pParam, 0)
  buf = getProcessMemory(rc, 100, 0)
end sub

JavaScript Example:

function main(){
  addMenuItem("Save Log", "SaveLogFile");
  addMenuItem("Kill Trace Process", "KillTraceProcess");

  startProcess("Notepad.exe", "c:\a.txt");

function SaveLogFile(){
    echo("Call Save Log File");

function KillTraceProcess(){
    echo("Call Kill Process");

function OnBreakPointEntry(pszDll, pszName, nParam, pParam, dwProcessId)
  rc = getParamAddress(pParam, 0);
  vbTemp = getProcessMemory(rc, 100, 0);
  buf = new VBArray(vbTemp);


Auto Debug for Windows: Unsupport.
Auto Debug Professional: Requires version 5.0 or later.

See Also

Script Information Overview, Script Functions, getParamAddress,setProcessMemory, OnBreakPointReturn ,OnBreakPointEntry

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