Auto Debug On Line Help
User Script: Auto Debug System


The Property is a list of get or set function to control Auto Debug.

  BOOL ScriptMonitor   // prop to control enable or disable script monitor event.
  BOOL DisplayFilter   // prop to control to display the filter dialog. 
  BOOL Trace           // prop to control to Trace result. 
  short ParameterNum   // prop to control to default parameter num. 
  short ParameterLen   // prop to control to default parameter length. 
  int MaxCount         // prop to control to result count. 


prop to set and get the value of enable or disable script monitor event. false is to disable script event, true is enable it.
prop to set and get display the filter dialog when start monitor a process or not. false is didn't display filter dialog and true is display the dialog.
prop to set and get trace the result. false is didn't display monitor result and true is display the monitor result. This property as same as [Tool]-[Option] - [Trace On/Off] feature.
prop to set and get default parameter num. This property as same as [Tool]-[Option] - [TDefault Parameter Num] feature.
prop to set and get default parameter length. This property as same as [Tool]-[Option] - [TDefault Parameter Length] feature.
prop to set and get result max count. If the value <= 10, it is means unlimited, if the value > 10, the valus is max(2000, your value). If the result count exceed the max value, Auto Debug will automatic remove the older result. The default value is 0.


VBscript Example:

sub main
  startProcess "Notepad.exe"
  DisplayFilter = false
  MaxCount = 5000
end sub

sub callEnableFunction
    enableAllBreakpointOfDll "comdlg32.dll", true
end sub

JavaScript Example:

function main(){
  DisplayFilter = false;
  MaxCount = 5000;

function callEnableFunction(){
  enableAllBreakpointOfDll("comdlg32.dll", true);


Auto Debug for Windows: Unsupport.
Auto Debug Professional: Requires version 5.0 or later.

See Also

Script Information Overview, Script Functions,

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